Rich, colourful material for a medical historian and indeed for a narratologist... provides a useful collection of material and, for a wider audience, an entertaining introduction to the world of Galen.
Mattern's work is well-organized, well-argued, and clearly presented... The book will appeal equally to historians, whether of ancient medicine in particular or of the social history of the time period, and to the general reading public
It is difficult to make a highly scholarly analysis an enjoyable and entertaining tale, Susan P. Mattern, however, skillfully dissects the rhetorical structure of Galen's case histories of his patients to offer a delightfully intriguing view not just of the great physician's medical practice but of his character and his social world... A fascinating journey into the past.
A nuanced, detailed, and most enjoyable narrative.
Susan Mattern's contribution to the ever-growing scholarship on Galen is worthy of commendation. Mattern has provided a rich reading of Galen's writings and the ways in which his medical reality existed within the Roman social context.
An illuminating portrait of a man and his patients in a particular historical context. A rich, nuanced, and entirely original approach, this book leaps across disciplinary boundaries to introduce those working on medicine in other historical periods to the richness of the sources for Rome in the age of Galen.
Book Details
1. The Stories in Context
I. Society and Culture
Galen's Life
Diseases and Death in Rome
Galen and Greek Culture
Galen's Corpus
Galen's Audience: "Friends and Companions"
Professionalism and Social
1. The Stories in Context
I. Society and Culture
Galen's Life
Diseases and Death in Rome
Galen and Greek Culture
Galen's Corpus
Galen's Audience: "Friends and Companions"
Professionalism and Social Status
II. Narrative and Medicine
Hippocratic Case Histories
Case Histories after the Hippocratic Corpus
Inscriptions and the Cult of Asclepius
Written Tradition and Clinical Experience
Case Histories in Galen's Work
Memory and Autobiography
2. Place and Time
I. Context and Authenticity
II. Place
III. Time
Medical Time
Time and Narrative Structure
3. The Contest: Rivals, Spectators, and Judges
I. Agon
II. Rivals
Other Physicians
Demonstrating Superiority
III. Audience
Witness and Judge
The Addressee
Rivals and Patients
Family and Household
Husbands, Fathers, and Masters
IV. Failure
V. Case History and Healing Narrative
4. The Patient
I. Presenting the Patient
Names and Terms
Temperament and Constitution
Sex: Female Patients
Social Information
II. Patient as Character
The Patient's Perspective
The Patient's Lifestyle
Character and Emotion
5. Physician and Patient
I. The Physician's Perspective: "I" and "We"
II. Physician and Patient
Perceiving the Patient
III. Fever
6. Conclusion
Appendix A: Works Cited from Galen's Corpus
Appendix B: Table of Cases