James Schulz and Robert Binstock unquestionably take places of honor among the elders of the gerontological tribe. Decades of study, teaching, civic engagement, writing, and speaking to peers, lawmakers, and informed citizens have secured their reputations as knowledgeable, judicious, respected experts on the economics and politics of aging, respectively.
This is a useful primer for any person who wants a sneak preview of the difficult days ahead.
This timely book offers a worthwhile read for anyone interested in learning about the history of pension plans in the United States, their administration, and their economic impact on retirees.
Highly recommended.
A very important and equally timely book. It provides an extremely insightful treatment of the economics and politics of growing older in America.
It is gratifying to see two such prestigious observers of aging issues put forward a clear analysis of the aging 'crisis' in the United States. This book is an antidote to the ceaseless drumbeat of doom and selfishness coming from those who would dismantle our key sources of retirement security.
A must read for the general public, politicians, pundits, and anyone who cares about growing old in the United States. Schulz and Binstock provide expert the analysis, balanced viewpoints, and historical overview essential for countering alarmist scenarios and promoting reasonable public policy and discourse.
A solid corrective thwack against conventional (and often false) wisdom, propagated by doomsters, about the perils of a nation living longer. Take notes for your own protection.
Book Details
Preface to the Paperback Edition
1. Baby Boomers and the Merchants of Doom
2. The Phony Threat of Population Aging
3. The Search for Security with Dignity
4. Dealing with Risk
5. The Company Pension
Preface to the Paperback Edition
1. Baby Boomers and the Merchants of Doom
2. The Phony Threat of Population Aging
3. The Search for Security with Dignity
4. Dealing with Risk
5. The Company Pension: Altruism or Self-Interest?
6. The Pension Lottery: Personal Pension Accounts
7. To Work or Not to Work: That Is the Question
8. Health and Longevity: What Lies Ahead?
9. A Gerontocracy? The Politics of Aging
10. Framing the Issues for an Aging Nation