A thoughtfully designed and very teachable volume... Both a treasure-trove of pedagogical resources and a refreshing reminder of the continuity of scholarship.
This anthology allows us to browse through a range of twenty articles from five decades of scholarship, revisiting familiar pieces and considering for the first time work which even the most dedicated follower of Woolf studies might well have missed.
For those readers experiencing, in the words of one of the essayists collected here, 'the vertigo of reading Woolf for the first time' this ensemble of pieces from Modern Fiction Studies may have a steadying effect. At the same time, it may introduce them to another kind of instructive dizziness, namely that induced by the busy whirl of Woolf criticism... It is good to remind ourselves of the literary-aesthetic, and literary-critical, reasons for which Woolf has been found important—a purpose well served by Maren Linett's collection.