Book Details
The Orphic Hymns
Orpheus to Mousaios
1. To Hekate
2. To Prothyraia
3. To Night
4. To Sky
5. To Ether
6. To Protogonos
7. To the Stars
8. To the Sun
9. To Selene
10. To Physis
11. To Pan
12. To
The Orphic Hymns
Orpheus to Mousaios
1. To Hekate
2. To Prothyraia
3. To Night
4. To Sky
5. To Ether
6. To Protogonos
7. To the Stars
8. To the Sun
9. To Selene
10. To Physis
11. To Pan
12. To Herakles
13. To Kronos
14. To Rhea
15. To Zeus
16. To Hera
17. To Poseidon
18. To Plouton
19. To Zeus the Thunderbolt
20. To Astrapaios Zeus
21. To the Clouds
22. To the Sea
23. To Nereus
24. To the Nereids
25. To Proteus
26. To Earth
27. To the Mother of the Gods
28. To Hermes
29. Hymn to Persephone
30. To Dionysos
31. Hymn to the Kouretes
32. To Athene
33. To Nike
34. To Apollon
35. To Leto
36. To Artemis
37. To the Titans
38. To the Kouretes
39. To Korbas
40. To Eleusinian Demeter
41. To Mother Antaia
42. To Mise
43. To the Seasons
44. To Semele
45. Hymn to Dionysos Bassareus and Triennial
46. To Liknites
47. To Perikionios
48. To Sabazios
49. To Hipta
50. To Lysios Lenaios
51. To the Nymphs
52. To the God of Triennal Feasts
53. To the God of Annual Feasts
54. To Silenos Satyros and Bacchae
55. To Aphrodite
56. To Adonis
57. To Chthonic Hermes
58. To Eros
59. To the Fates
60. To the Graces
61. Hymn to Nemesis
62. To Dike
63. To Justice
64. Hymn to Nomos
65. To Ares
66. To Hephaistos
67. To Asklepios
68. To Hygeia
69. To the Erinyes
70. To the Eumenides
71. To Melinoe
72. To Tyche
73. To Daimon
74. To Leukothea
75. To Palaimon
76. To the Muses
77. To Mnemosyne
78. To Dawn
79. To Themis
80. To Boreas
81. To Zephyros
82. To Notos
83. To Okeanos
84. To Hestia
85. To Sleep
86. To Dream
87. To Death
Select Bibliography
Index Nominum
Index Locorum