A winner.
This is an authoritative summary of the authors' personal research and more than 3,000 literature sources. It, and the upcoming second volume, will be an excellent resource for professionals in many fields for years to come and a detailed reference book for anyone wishing to know about venomous snakes. Highly recommended.
A valuable source of information for anyone interested in these species, and is sure to be a standard reference for serious herpetologists.
Venomous Reptiles of the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico represents the latest research on these animals and includes the most extensive bibliography of literature on the subject. Anyone with an interest in venom, snakes, or herpetology in general will find a wealth of information within the pages of these impressive volumes.
Likely to remain the standard reference for the next 20 years.
Ernst has provided a beautiful summary of the literature in this area. Anyone interested in the biology of these reptiles will find in this book a spectacular time-saver... He has done the field of herpetology a great service.
Book Details
List of Abbreviations
Envenomation by North American Reptiles
Treatment of Envenomation by Reptiles
Conservation of Venomous North American Reptiles
Identification of the Venomous
List of Abbreviations
Envenomation by North American Reptiles
Treatment of Envenomation by Reptiles
Conservation of Venomous North American Reptiles
Identification of the Venomous Reptiles of Canada, the United States, and Northern Mexico
Key to the Families of North American Venomous Reptiles
Helodermatidae: Beaded Lizards and Gila Monsters
Heloderma horridum, Beaded Lizard
Heloderma suspectum, Gila Monster
Elapidae: Elapid Snakes
Micruroides euryxanthus, Western Coralsnake
Micrurus distans, West Mexican Coralsnake
Micrurus fulvius, Harlequin Coralsnake
Micrurus tener, Texas Coralsnake
Pelamis platura, Yellow-bellied Seasnake
Viperidae: Viperid Snakes
Agkistrodon bilineatus, Cantil
Agkistrodon contortrix, Copperhead
Agkistrodon piscivorus, Cottonmouth
Agkistrodon taylori, Taylor's Cantil
Sistrurus catenatus, Massasauga
Sistrurus miliarius, Pygmy Rattlesnake
Glossary of Scientific Names
Index to Common and Scientific Names