I feel grateful to Dagg for trying to bring the strands of a relatively unknown literature together.
Dagg's book should be a corrective to us all; species that lose or ignore the contributions of their older members do so at their peril.
Humans and chimps, it turns out, value age in sexual partners very differently. In our species youth is prized, but among chimps the reverse is the case.
Book Details
1. Evolutionary Matters
2. Sociality, Media, and Variability
3. The Wisdom of Elders
4. Leaders
5. Teaching and Learning
6. Reproduction
7. Successful Subordinates
8. The Fall of
1. Evolutionary Matters
2. Sociality, Media, and Variability
3. The Wisdom of Elders
4. Leaders
5. Teaching and Learning
6. Reproduction
7. Successful Subordinates
8. The Fall of Titans
9. Aging of Captive Alphas
10. Happy Families
11. Mothering—Good and Not So Good
12. Grandmothers
13. Sexy Seniors
14. Their Own Person
15. Adapting and Not Adapting
16. All Passion Spent
17. The Inevitable End