The detail and precision of the textual editing here are exemplary: the publication history of the poems, along with the tangled manuscript evidence behind and alongside the original volumes, is dealt with clearly and (when need be) decisively, to produce a hugely authoritative—as well as huge—edition.
This latest installment of The Complete Poetry is nothing less than a landmark in Shelley studies: comprehensive and reliable, necessary and illuminating.
Now that [Shelley's] poetry is coming into such revealing clarity of focus, thanks to editions such as this one, the question of its value can be explored with more confidence than ever before.
This is a critical volume of Shelley's works for the 21st century—in short, a scholarly masterpiece. No academic library should be without it.
The years between 1814 and 1818 were amongst the most personally turbulent and poetically productive of Shelley's brief life; it is thus tremendously exciting to have access to a resource that provides such an intimate look into the poet's world and his creative process.
What makes this volume so exceptional (like its predecessors) is not only the state-of-the-art editing, but also the knowledgeable commentaries that give information on the poems' composition, possible sources and influences, publication, and most welcome, their reception history. These latter passages give exceptional guidance and allow scholar and amateur alike to make themselves familiar with the critical debate... This gigantic editorial project cannot be praised highly enough. It meets the severest standards of modern editing... The whole scholarly community is deeply indebted to everyone involved in this collaborative enterprise.
An indispensable reference work for all who study Shelley... Auspiciously inaugurates Shelley studies for a new millennium.
Will almost certainly be the standard in Shelley scholarship... It is more than a reader hopes for in editorial scholarship.
A more comprehensive collation of relevant materials, or a more sensitive, sensible, and reader-friendly presentation of evidence, is inconceivable. All Shelleyans owe Reiman and Fraistat a debt of gratitude.
A monumental edition—the Shelley edition for our time.
Book Details
List of Illustrations
Editorial Overview
I. Texts
II. Commentaries
III. Historical Collations
IV. Appendixes
Index of Titles
Index of First Lines