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Anti-Americanism and the American World Order

Giacomo Chiozza

Publication Date

News stories remind us almost daily that anti-American opinion is rampant in every corner of the globe. Journalists, scholars, and politicians alike reinforce the perception that anti-Americanism is an entrenched sentiment in many foreign countries. Political scientist Giacomo Chiozza challenges this conventional wisdom, arguing that foreign public opinion about the U.S. is much more diverse and nuanced than is generally believed.

Chiozza examines the character, source, and persistence of foreign attitudes toward the United States. His findings are based on worldwide public opinion databases...

News stories remind us almost daily that anti-American opinion is rampant in every corner of the globe. Journalists, scholars, and politicians alike reinforce the perception that anti-Americanism is an entrenched sentiment in many foreign countries. Political scientist Giacomo Chiozza challenges this conventional wisdom, arguing that foreign public opinion about the U.S. is much more diverse and nuanced than is generally believed.

Chiozza examines the character, source, and persistence of foreign attitudes toward the United States. His findings are based on worldwide public opinion databases that surveyed anti-American sentiment in Islamic countries, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and East Asia. Data compiled from responses in a wide range of categories—including politics, wealth, science and technology, popular culture, and education—indicate that anti-American sentiments vary widely across these geographic regions.

Through careful analyses, Chiozza shows how foreign publics balance the political, social, and cultural dimensions of the U.S. in their own perceptions of the country.
He finds that popular anti-Americanism is mostly benign and shallow; deep-seated ideological opposition to the U.S. is usually held among a minority of groups. More often, Chiozza explains, foreigners have conflicting attitudes toward the U.S. He finds that while anti-Americanism certainly exists, the United States is equally praised as a symbol of democracy and freedom, its ideals of liberty, equality, and opportunity applauded.

Chiozza clearly demonstrates that what is reported as undisputed fact—that various groups abhor American values—is in reality a complex story.



In spite of widely held contentions, anti-Americanism is not as deepseeded as some pundits would have their audiences believe, the author argues... The respect of American ideals hinges on more than how America acts. The way those actions are framed and portrayed are of equal importance. Chiozza is convinced that the persistence of anti-Americanism is here to stay, albeit in various forms and to various degrees.

The work establishes Chiozza as a pioneering empirical analyst of anti-Americanism. Future work on this subject will benefit from the substantial empirical contribution offered in this fine book.

A major contribution to the study of both public opinion and foreign policy analysis. A tour de force in comparison to others in the field. It is the only book that methodically probes the sources rather than just the manifestations of anti-Americanism.


Book Details

Publication Date
Trim Size
Illustration Description
30 figures
Table of Contents

List of Tables
List of Figures
Part I: Themes and Theory
1. Overview
The Central Argument
Attitudes towards the United States
A Historical Overview
Roadmap of This Book
2. Two

List of Tables
List of Figures
Part I: Themes and Theory
1. Overview
The Central Argument
Attitudes towards the United States
A Historical Overview
Roadmap of This Book
2. Two Theories on Anti-Americanism
Measuring Anti-Americanism
The Popular Basis of Anti-American Sentiment
Two Views on Anti-Americanism
The Soft Power Thesis
Part II: Features
3. Patterns of Anti-Americanism
Dimensions of Anti-Americanism
The Multifaceted Opinions about the United States
Are People Just Trying to Be Polite?
4. Testing the Soft Power Thesis
Description of the Data
Finding the Patterns of Anti-Americanism
Policy, Polity, and Soft Power
Part III: Sources
5. Profiles of Anti-American Opinion
Profiles of Respondents
Four Hypotheses
The Empirical Tests
The Findings
6. The Sources of the Policy and Polity Frames
Individual-level Determinants of Anti-Americanism
Country-level Determinants of Anti-Americanism
Findings on Respondents' Identities
Findings on Country Factors
Part IV: Persistence
7. Anti-Americanism beyond 2002
The Image of America in Times of Crisis
Assessing the Persistence of Anti-Americanism
Five Mechanisms
8. An Evaluations of the Persistence of Anti-Americanism
Empirical Findings
Will Anti-Americanism Persist?
9. Conclusions

Author Bio