Book Details
Foreword, by Toni C. Antonucci
Introduction. Solidarity as a Key Concept in Family and Generational Research
Part I: Family Connections: Solidarity Within and Across Generations
Chapter 1
Foreword, by Toni C. Antonucci
Introduction. Solidarity as a Key Concept in Family and Generational Research
Part I: Family Connections: Solidarity Within and Across Generations
Chapter 1. Differences in Mothers' and Fathers' Parental Favoritism in Later Life: A Within-Family Approach
Chapter 2. Intergenerational Solidarity in Blended Families: The Inequality of Financial Transfers to Adult Children and Stepchildren
Chapter 3. Generational Contact and Support among Late Adult Siblings Within a Verticalized Family
Part II: Grandparents in a Changing Demographic Landscape: Mothers and Mentors
Chapter 4. Grandmothers' Diff erential Involvement with Grandchildren in Rural Multiple Partner Fertility Family Structures
Chapter 5. The Role of Grandparents in the Transition to Adulthood: Grandparents as "Very Important" Adults in the Lives of Adolescents
Part III: Of Generations and Cohorts: Micro-Macro Dialectics
Chapter 6. Who's Talking about My Generation?
Chapter 7. Toward Generational Intelligence: Linking Cohorts, Families, and Experience
Chapter 8. Biography and Generation: Spirituality and Biographical Pain at the End of Life in Old Age
Part IV: Religion and Families: Contexts of Continuity, Change, and Conflict
Chapter 9. How Theory-Building Prompts Explanations about Generational Connections in the Domains of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging
Chapter 10. The Transmission of Religion across Generations: How Ethnicity Matters
Chapter 11. Church-Based Negative Interactions among Older African Americans, Caribbean Blacks, and Non-Hispanic Whites
Part V: Global, Cross-National, and Cross-Ethnic Issues: Who Will Care for the Young and the Old?
Chapter 12. Global Aging and Families: Some Policy Concerns about the Global Aging Perspective
Chapter 13. Social Change, Social Structure, and the Cycle of Induced Solidarity
Chapter 14. The Intergenerational Social Contract Revisited: Cross-National Perspectives
Chapter 15. Aging, Health, and Families in the Hispanic Population: Evolution of a Paradigm
Short Biography of Vern L. Bengtson
List of Contributors