Richly enjoyable and informative collection of lyric poems... Cox frames the poems with an admirably detailed historical introduction, a guide to technical issues (form, meter, rhythm, rhyme), capsule biographies of the poets, and consistently helpful footnotes. The result is a unique and valuable anthology that will appeal to any reader of Renaissance poetry. Highly recommended.
There is no doubt that Virginia Cox's work in the field has had a transformative impact on the study of Renaissance women writers in Italy in recent years. This fascinating anthology positively vibrates with the quality and interest of its contents...
Lyric Poetry by Women of the Italian Renaissance is thus a monumental work in both purpose and design. Not only does it anthologize 211 poems by fifty-five women authors (both familiar and obscure), it presents a corpus of literature that while known to be vast, had no singular entry point for study... In sum, Lyric Poetry is a valuable book for both student and scholar.
It is impossible to overestimate the role that Virginia Cox has played in bringing to light, researching, and promoting awareness of and appreciation for writings by women in early modern Italy... Cox's tireless work and elegant, timely writing continue to expand our horizon and field of enquiry.
An invaluable anthology.
A rich source for those interested in early modern women's lyric in Italy. Particularly impressive is the overview of the field in the detailed introduction... The text could well serve the novice interested in an overview of the period and also the more experienced reader by providing access to lesser-known writers and texts.
Book Details
Part I: Amorous Verse
In Vita
In morte
Ventriloquized Love Poetry
Part II: Religious Verse
Part III: Correspondence Verse
Part IV: Encomia of Rulers and Patrons
Part V: Political
Part I: Amorous Verse
In Vita
In morte
Ventriloquized Love Poetry
Part II: Religious Verse
Part III: Correspondence Verse
Part IV: Encomia of Rulers and Patrons
Part V: Political Verse
Part VI: Polemical and Manifesto Verse
Part VII: Verse of Friendship and Family Love
In Vita
In morte
Part VIII: Other in morte Verse
Part IX: Verse of Place and Selfhood
Part X: Comic and Dialect Verse
Notes on Authors
A. Poems by Author
B. Poems by Meter
C. Metrical Analysis
D. Citations and Sources