A good general introduction to frogs.
This is a neat book about frogs.
An excellent book that will appeal to amateur and professional herpetologists alike as well as to readers simply seeking more information on frogs and toads.
Frogs: The Animal Answer Guide is sure to address the questions on the minds of curious readers.
Book Details
1. Introducing Frogs
What are frogs?
What is the difference between frogs and toads?
What other types of amphibians are there?
Why are frogs important?
Where do frogs live?
1. Introducing Frogs
What are frogs?
What is the difference between frogs and toads?
What other types of amphibians are there?
Why are frogs important?
Where do frogs live?
How many kinds of frogs are there?
How are frogs classified into groups?
What are frogs' closest relatives?
When did frogs evolve?
What is the oldest fossil frog?
2. Form and Function
What are the largest and smallest living frogs?
Why do so many frogs have long legs?
Are frogs slimy?
Are some frogs poisonous?
Why do toads have so many bumps?
Why is a frog's metabolism important?
Do frogs have teeth?
Do frogs sleep?
Do frogs have ears and can they hear?
How far can frogs jump?
Can frogs climb?
Can all frogs swim?
Can frogs breathe under water?
What is the sac under the frog's throat?
3. Frog Colors
Why are frogs colored the way they are?
What causes the different skin colors of frogs?
What color are a frog's eyes?
Do a frog's colors change as they grow?
Do a frog's colors change under different conditions?
Do all individuals of a single frog species look the same?
4. Frog Behavior
Why do frogs make noise?
How do frogs make sounds?
Can frogs change their calls?
Do all frogs make sounds?
Are frogs social?
Do frogs fight?
Do any frogs fly or glide?
How do some frogs stick to walls?
How smart are frogs?
Do frogs play?
How do frogs defend themselves?
Do any frogs bite to defend themselves?
5. Frog Ecologu
Which geographic regions have the most species of frogs?
What types of frogs live in rain forests?
What types of frogs live in deserts?
Why do so few frogs live in large lakes?
Do any frogs live in salt water?
Do frogs migrate?
How do frogs survive the winter?
How do frogs survive droughts?
Do frogs have enemies?
How do frogs avoid predators?
Do frogs get sick?
How can you tell if a frog is sick?
Are frogs good for the environment?
6. Reproduction and Development
How do frogs reproduce?
Do all frogs lay eggs?
How many eggs do frogs lay?
Where do frogs lay their eggs?
How do frogs protect their eggs?
Do frogs care for their young?
Why do some frogs lay their eggs in strange places?
Do all frogs have a tadpole stage?
How many baby frogs grow to be adults?
How fast do frogs grow?
How is the sex of a frog determined during development?
How can someone tell a frog's sex?
How can you tell the age of a frog?
How long do frogs live?
7. Food and Feeding
What do frogs eat?
Do frogs chew their food?
Why do some frogs have such long tongues?
How do frogs find food?
Do frogs drink water?
How do desert frogs keep from drying out?
What do tadpoles eat?
Why do tadpoles of some species eat their siblings?
8. Frogs and Humans
Do frogs make good pets?
Where can I get a pet frog?
How do you take care of a pet frog?
Are any species of frogs dangerous to humans?
Do frogs feel pain?
Why do toads urinate on people when they are picked up?
How can I see frogs in the wild?
9. Frog Problems (from a human viewpoint)
Why should people care about frogs?
Are frogs pests?
Do frogs have diseases and are they contagious to humans?
Is it safe to eat frogs?
Are frogs raised by humans for food?
Can a person get high from licking or smoking a toad?
Can toads cause warts in humans?
How can frogs be used in research?
10. Human Problems (from a frog's viewpoint)
Are any frogs endangered?
Why are frog populations declining?
Why are frogs disappearing from some parts of the world but not others?
Are frogs affected by climate change?
Are frogs affected by pollution?
Are diseases causing frog populations to disappear?
Why do some frogs have extra legs?
How do roads affect frogs?
Why are there no frogs living in the wetland or stream behind my house?
What can an ordinary citizen do to help frogs?
11. Frogs in Stories and Literature
What roles do frogs play in religion and mythology?
What do frogs have to do with fiction or fairy tales?
What roles do frogs play in native cultures?
What roles do frogs play in modern or popular culture?
What roles have frogs played in poetry and otherliterature?
12. "Frogology"
Who studies frogs?
Why do scientists study frogs?
How do scientists study frogs?
Which species are best known?
Which species are least known?
How do scientists tell frogs apart?
Why do the scientific names and classification of frogs change frequently?
Appendix A: Synonyms of Frog Scientific Names
Appendix B: Resources, Organizations, and Societies for Frog and Toad Conservation