Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Awards

Strager Cover

Sponsoring Organization: Northland College Sigurd Olson Environmental Institute
Award Level: Honorable Mention | Award Year: 2023
Winner(s): The Killer Whale Journals: Our Love and Fear of Orcas by Hanne Strager

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Tags: Books
Hanne Strager
Featured Contributor

Hanne Strager

Hanne Strager (COPENHAGEN, DK) is a biologist, whale researcher, and the future Director of Exhibitions and Visitor Experience at The Whale, a museum in Norway set to open in 2025. She cofounded a whale center in Norway and has served as the Director of Exhibitions at the Natural History Museum of Denmark. She is the author of A Modest Genius: The Story of Darwin’s Life and How His Ideas Changed...
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