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On Technology and Learning
From our seventh floor campus offices, we can visually track the slower pace of summer morphing into the bustle of back-to-school. One day the campus is sleepy. The next, the perimeter of the campus fills with mini-vans and out pour freshmen, their families...
The great twentieth-century transformation of urban landscapes
Urban landscapes are where Pokémon Go players have recently started to go to catch virtual creatures lurking in a GPS version of what I naively think of as the real world. They are visible environments that are constant background to our lives in towns and...
On Car Restoration
The following is an excerpt from David N. Lucsko’s Junyards, Gearheads, and Rust: Salvaging the Automotive Past in honor of National Collector Car Appreciation Day. From the 1890s through the 1920s, automobiles were seldom “re- stored.” At most they were...
Video Games & Knowledge: A Q&A with Karen Schrier
In anticipation of Dr. Karen Schrier's latest book, Knowledge Games: How Playing Games Can Solve Problems, Create Insight, and Make Change, we asked her some questions about her research and the inspiration behind the project. Q: Why did you decide to write...
The Army's Journey
Thomas F. Army, Jr., is an adjunct assistant professor of history at Quinebaug Valley Community College. His latest project, Engineering Victory: How Technology Won the Civil War is available now. In researching my book, Engineering Victory: How Technology Won...