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The Story within a “Novel” Biology Class
  We are pleased to republish geneticist Megan Rokop’s account of how she uses The Story Within:Personal Essays on Genetics and Identity to teach her introduction to biology course. This article originally appeared in the September issue of MIT STEM Pals, a...
Ferguson Special Issue on 'Disposable Lives'
Post by Brian Shea Journals PR & Advertising Coordinator A grand jury will soon announce whether Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson should be charged in the shooting death of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. Protesters and police are trying to...
Ebola and How We Talk about It
Guest post by Annemarie Goldstein Jutel Diseases are much more than the viruses which cause them. Even in the presence of well-defined physical illness, social and cultural beliefs and behaviors have a strong impact on how we can understand the disease and...
The dramatic impact of health behavior change
Guest post by Lawrence W. Green This was a year when Ebola and its one death in the United States has produced an American public riveted by the drama of tracing the infected and their contacts and frightened by the prospect, albeit remote, of the virus...
Thanks, JHUP and all our AAUP partners!
Guest post by Dean J. Smith Welcome to University Press Week. We at Project MUSE honor the 93 university presses who enable us to distribute their digital book and journal content on our platform. Project MUSE will celebrate 20 years of hosting content in 2015...
A passion for film noir and cinema heritage
Guest post by Sheri Chinen Biesen I’m a bit of a nerd. I like digging around in Hollywood studio archives investigating classic cinema like you see on Turner Classic Movies with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. I specialize in film noir, a series of 1940s...
Exhibits fill the November calendar!
JHU Press and Project MUSE will be represented this month at a dozen conferences and academic meetings around the world. Follow the links for more information. Three cheers (and happy travels) to our intrepid authors, editors, and staff! November 5–9...
November events focus on healthy living, historic travel, and more
Our November calendar is full to brimming, with events from the west coast to the east on topics ranging from generic drugs to Maryland geography. As always, we invite you to support these events and help spread the word. Three cheers to JHUP authors and staff...
Confronting the world, shaping national identity
Guest Post by Dane A. Morrison ISIS, Ebola, globalization, the Ukraine. State-sponsored terrorism, globally transmitted disease, worldwide economic disruption, fraught relations with overseas powers. The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, and FOX News...