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Managing Transitions: Welcoming your student home
Guest post by Doris Iarovici, MD Life with a college student in the family is full of change, but folding your child back into the family for the long summer break can be a surprisingly challenging transition. Whether they’re home for the entire summer, or for...
Media Roundup
School might be winding down, but things at Johns Hopkins University Press are going strong! Check out the things that have happened in the past month.   Marc Plattner, Co-Editor of the Journal of Democracy and the new book, Democracy and Authoritarianism in...
To know lupus is to know medicine
Guest Post by Donald E. Thomas, Jr., M.D., FACP, FACR “To know lupus is to know medicine” is a common saying repeated by attending physicians to their medical students and residents. For the medical student and the young physician, this can create some anxiety...
Meet Us in Chicago: Latin American Studies Association
By Suzanne K. Flinchbaugh If a modern-day Rip or Rita Van Winkle woke up today, having napped through the last several years, he or she might think that democracy movements were only recently born in the Middle East, what with the media’s hyper-focus on the...
Fifty Years a Museum
Guest Post by Robert C. Post This year, 2014, marks the golden anniversary of the National Museum of American History, a familiar presence that has changed somewhat since 1964. After 9/11, the driveway curving in from Constitution Avenue was blockaded; a...
Wild Thing: Shark Tourism
Wild Thing is an occasional series where JHU Press authors write about the flora and fauna of the natural world—from the rarest flower to the most magnificent beast. Guest Post by Gene Helfman One of the true and ongoing pleasures of writing a popular, science...
What gives Boko Haram its strength
Guest post by David Jacobson David Jacobson, author of Of Virgins and Martyrs: Women and Sexuality in Global Conflict co-authored a CNN online commentary about the recent abduction of nearly 300 Nigerian girls. This excerpt is published with permission. Read...
"Three parts politics, one part war": May 11, 1814
Guest post by David Curtis Skaggs On May 11, 1814 the most successful US Army general so far in the War of 1812 tendered his resignation in a dispute with the secretary of the army. The man many expected to become commander of the misled, disorganized, and...
On writing a (nearly) impossible history
Guest Post by Nicolas Rasmussen Historians widely share the attitude that it is not possible to write a proper historical account of fairly recent events. Fifty years is about the respectable time horizon before events become sufficiently past that they...
Meet Us in Chicago: American Association for the History of Medicine
By Jacqueline C. Wehmueller At Johns Hopkins Press we get a kick from communicating with authors and readers via Twitter and other social media platforms. We can now share good news immediately: “Nicolas Rasmussen’s Gene Jockeys reviewed in Nature!” “Book TV...