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A Novel Approach
Earlier this year, Studies in the Novel released a special issue commemorating the journal's first 50 years of publishing. The issue featured seminal articles from the past 50 years, each with an introduction commissioned to put the original work into context...
The Truth About College Admission
Ask most high school students or adults to give word associations with “college,” and they typically respond with: freedom, opportunities, friends, learning, or other broad and generally positive, hope-filled language. Ask them to respond to “college admission...
The Colosseum: The Mutability of a Monument
The summer of 2000 was a formative period in my life. I had just finished my freshman year as an Archaeology and Classical Studies double major at the University of Evansville and traveled to Rome on my first study abroad trip. I remember riding a bus in Rome...
Tunas and Billfishes of the World
I co-authored Tunas and Billfishes of the World with John Graves as the culmination of my 60 years of research on tunas, which began with studying tunas caught on a long-line cruise aboard the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (now NOAA) vessel “Delaware” in the...
Teaching Public Health
The need to train public health professionals with knowledge and skills to address complex problems is greater than ever. There are more schools and programs of public health than ever with growing numbers of faculty coming from an ever-broader range of...
JMGS Welcomes New Editorial Leadership
The Journal of Modern Greek Studies has a new editorial team. Johanna Hanink from Brown University is the Arts & Humanities Editor while Antonis Ellinas from the University of Cyprus is the Social Sciences Editor. They joined us to talk about their path to the...
Activism in the Woke Academy
Earlier this year, the Review of Higher Education released a supplemental issue in response to the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) 2018 Conference Theme: Envisioning the Woke Academy. Issue editors D-L Stewart and Lori D. Patton joined us...
Before We Reform, We Must Know What College is For
This is an age of reform. New model institutions, especially online ones, are offering degrees to students who never interact with professors or step on college campuses. Whereas the heart of collegiate education had long been the liberal arts and sciences...