Enrollment Realities Illustrate the Need for Relevant Research on Small Privates with John M. Braxton
A title of a June 29, 2017 article in Business Insider declares “College Enrollment has plummeted, and private universities are scrambling.” This article points to activities at Ohio Wesleyan University such as creating majors in high-demand fields, increased...

Achieving the “Greater Good”: Is Lack of Education Beyond High School the Culprit?
The main cause and best permanent solution to the populist dissatisfaction that led to the 2016 electoral revolt in the US and in Europe lies in the issues discussed in this book. Colleges and universities do not produce students, they produce human capital...
OAH: Universities and Their Cities
As scholars of American history meeting in New Orleans, we certainly do not need to be reminded of this city’s dynamic history. Nor do we need to be reminded of the complex history of America’s urbanization and the growth of its cities. Yet historians of...

Behind the Book: Critical Educational Psychology
Have you ever wondered why Piaget is a household name in any discourse related to child development? Although Piaget’s theory is well ensconced in schooling discourse, Vygotsky’s view of human development is gaining a great deal of traction. Why? Grit is...

Reengineering and "Free College for All"
“Free college for all” was often in the news during the presidential campaign, and questions about the affordability of college can be expected to loom large whether any such proposal is enacted or not. There also will be new demands for accountability and...

Influences on Higher Education Rulemaking
Regulations that govern the implementation and administration of federal programs and policies under the Higher Education Act are created through the higher education rulemaking process. In my book, “Higher Education Rulemaking: The Politics of Creating...

October Media Roundup
Our authors have been scary busy this month. Here are the highlights: Wendy Gamber’s The Notorious Mrs. Clem (HC 9781421420202; $34.95) was reviewed in The New York Times Book Review. The book has also received publicity in Publishers Weekly, Library Journal...

Can American higher education remain the global leader without a strong faculty?
In the half century after World War II, American higher education catapulted onto the global stage as the “new” and undisputed “gold standard” for scientific research and graduate education. This rise is a spectacular national achievement. It is, I fear...

On Technology and Learning
From our seventh floor campus offices, we can visually track the slower pace of summer morphing into the bustle of back-to-school. One day the campus is sleepy. The next, the perimeter of the campus fills with mini-vans and out pour freshmen, their families...

The 2016 Election and Higher Education Rulemaking: Important Implications for Regulations Governing Financial Aid and Other Federal Programs
As the millions of college students who receive some form of federal financial aid head to campus this fall, the upcoming presidential election seems to be at the top of everyone’s mind. And with good reason. Among the many important implications of the...