Why One Refrigeration History Book Was Not Enough with Jonathan Rees
Why One Refrigeration History Book Was Not EnoughI first became interested in the history of refrigeration while I was in graduate school, when I started leafing through back issues of a late-nineteenth century trade journal housed in the engineering library...

America's Man in Cold War Moscow with Jenny and Sherry Thompson
Remembering Llewellyn Thompson by Jenny and Sherry Thompson Llewellyn Thompson died forty-six years ago, on February 6, 1972, shortly after his retirement at the age of 68. He was one of the most critical players in the Cold War, engaging directly with Soviet...

A Passion for Planes with Captain Robert Hedges
I wanted to be an airline pilot since I was young, and began reading as much as I could about flying from age 10. I largely credit my father, Dr. James Hedges, an English Professor, for kindling my love of reading. Books about planes filled my youth. I started...

Happy, Healthy, Heart Month with Carolyn Thomas
When I started copyediting Carolyn Thomas’s manuscript A Woman’s Guide to Living with Heart Disease, I was excited. Having taught women’s health at Ohio State in 1996 and 1997, I knew that heart disease was women’s number-one health threat. And yet, there seem...

The Beauty in your Own Back Yard - with Bryan MacKay
“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day” – Henry David Thoreau Recalling the wise advice of the Sage of Concord, I head down a trail near my home on an unseasonably warm February morning. It has rained lightly during the night, and a humid fog...

Remembering Sanford Gifford
American Imago dedicated the final issue of its 2017 volume to a comprehensive collection of work by and about Sanford Gifford, a prominent psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and historian most known for his work at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute...

Why Digital Equality Matters With Zoe Corwin
How do you write? When you have an important deadline, do you buckle down at your office computer? Or venture to a café with wifi, toting a laptop? Do you spell check? Share drafts with colleagues via Dropbox or Google docs? What if you had to do it all on...

Journals Celebrates Black History Month
As we celebrate Black History Month, we invite readers to visit the JHUP-published journals Callaloo and African American Review. These venerable publications provide a compelling glimpse at the literature, culture and history of African Americans and the...

The Great American Railroad with Mark Aldrich
It is hard to think of another industry in which safety has taken such as roller coaster ride as it has on railroads. When I wrote Death Rode the Rails, which charted rail safety down to 1965, it was a great success story. I stopped in 1965 because that was...

When News and Education Meet
Today marks the 147th anniversary of the 1870 Education Act, which established compulsory schooling in England and Wales for children between the ages of 5 and 12. A recent special issue of Victorian Periodicals Review took a look at the relationship between...