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Curiosity is Key: How to Inspire Kids to Engage in Their Education with Kevin Bell
Challenging His Teacher’s Racism: Was Huck William James?
"The Past is Never Dead. It's Not Even Past" - A Discussion of the Difference Between Historical Fact and History with Joseph Stoltz III
Education in the Digital Age: A Look at the Progression of Technology in Education with Norm Friesen
Enrollment Realities Illustrate the Need for Relevant Research on Small Privates with John M. Braxton
The Dynamics of Imperialism and Foreign Relations: A Study of Persia's involvement in Foreign Wars with John Hyland
The Satrap and I: Writing Persian Interventions My fascination with Achaemenid Persia’s interventions in Greek conflicts began in a college seminar on the crisis of the Greek city state, when I first read Book VIII of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian...
A Night at the Museum Show
Earlier this year, Theatre Journal released a special issue on "Theatre and the Museum/Cultures of Display," sparked by journal co-editor Jennifer Parker-Starbuck's personal fascination with the history of collection and display. "This special issue, then, was...
Writing through Heart Disease with Carolyn Thomas
A Woman's Guide to Living with Heart Disease: my blog-turned-book! By Carolyn Thomas Part Two: Writing the Blog-Turned-Book After two copies of my book contract were duly signed and returned to JHUP, I bought myself a new laptop to replace my ancient MacBook...
"You Gotta Know the Territory": Solutions to the Education Market with Robert Zemsky
In 1958 I spent a rather extraordinary week in New York City—a California teenager on the loose with two high school buddies. What proved particularly remarkable was how we spent our afternoons. Each day we stood in the back of a different Broadway theater—and...
When a Nosebleed is More than a Nosebleed: Understanding HHT with Sara Palmer
Few people are familiar with HHT, an uncommon blood vessel disorder affecting about 1 in 5000 people around the world. So today I’ll introduce you to HHT—what it is and when to get tested for it. What is HHT? HHT stands for Hereditary Hemorrhagic...
Letting Go of Results: The Education of William James and My Own Medical Crisis
Life is a soul school, and some classes are harder than others. For decades after his death in 1910, William James served as the genial uncle figure of American philosophy. He was famous as a popularizer, even though his tendencies to offer insights connecting...
Modernist Literature and Communist Ideology: A Look into Red Modernism with Mark Steven
I first started writing Red Modernism for the same reason I write most things: to work through a problem whose answer, tantalizing as it might be, just doesn’t come easily. The problem, in this case, evolved from a contradiction between my enthusiasm for...
The Tragedy of Eugenic Sterilization with Molly Ladd-Taylor
Fixing the Poor: Molly Ladd-Taylor’s new take on eugenic sterilization Even in these polarized times, everyone can agree that the sterilization of more than 63,000 Americans under state eugenics laws was wrong. Most Americans recoil from the idea of improving...
Writing in the Digital Age: A Tour from Blog to Book with Carolyn Thomas
A Woman's Guide to Living with Heart Disease: my blog-turned-book project! :By Carolyn Thomas Part One: The Pitch "Have you considered writing a book based on your excellent Heart Sisters blog? I would love to explore the possibility with you." The date was...
Race and the Urban Landscape: The Historical and Social Impact of Skyscrapers with Adrienne Brown
The skyscraper is certainly not an understudied building typology. It has received plenty of scholarly attention in the century-and-a-half of its existence. A recent search for skyscrapers in the Library of Congress catalog resulted in 391 listings, which...