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Great Pilots and Great Machines: A Look into Steven Fino's Book "Tiger Check"
Explaining Civil Society Development: What are the “Social Origins of Civil Society?”
Over the past 25 years, the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studiesthe Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project generated a powerful body of new systematic comparative data on the scope and structure of the nonprofit, or civil society, sector...
Behind the Book: Playboys and Mayfair Men
At about 4:20 on the afternoon of December 20, 1937, Henrietta Gordon, a housemaid at the luxurious Hyde Park Hotel in London’s West End, heard some unusual noises—like something being smashed—coming from room 305. She alerted Enrico Laurenti, a waiter, who...
Examining the International Standard Book Number
We use ISBNs daily, but did you know that just looking at one will tell you where a book was published and by whom? This is a simple look at the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). This global system works for publishers from Australia to Zimbabwe...
Children's Literature and 'Fitting In'
When the 2017 issue of Children's Literature came out earlier this year, a familiar name appeared at the top of the masthead. Hollins University's Julie Pfeiffer returned as editor after a five-year hiatus. She joined us for apodcast where she talked about the...
Exploring Consequences
Earlier this year, MFS Modern Fiction Studies released a special issue titled “Enduring Operations: The Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.” Co-edited by Aaron DeRosa (Cal Poly Pamona) and Stacey Peebles (Centre College), the issue featured eight articles “within a...
Folgers and Nantucket in an Anniversary Year
The first Folgers to immigrate to the New World came from the village of Diss, 20 miles southwest of the town of Norwich, in East Anglia, England. Part of the Great Puritan Migration, they crossed the North Atlantic on the Abigail in 1635 and landed in Boston...
From Reconstruction to Jim Crow: A Pioneering Black Scholar and Activist in a Struggle for Identity and Impact
The heated arguments, protests and acts of violence related to the fate of statues honoring the Confederate cause during the Civil War are now well known. Decisions to move those memorials, remove them, or leave them in place are increasingly contentious and...
The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook
The following is an excerpt from Kathy Steligo's The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook, now in its fourth edition. If you’re facing mastectomy to treat or prevent breast cancer, you have a lot of decisions before you. Will you keep a flat chest after surgery...
A Decade of Community Research
In February 2007, the Johns Hopkins University Press published the first issue of a new journal dedicated to partnerships between academic health institutions and the communities surrounding them. Progress in Community Health Partnerships recently celebrated...
Stuttering and “Retraining” Left-Handed Children in Mid-Century U.S.
My history of Tourette syndrome (A Cursing Brain, 1999) involved observing pediatric patients at a university clinic. I noticed that the patient population seemed to have an unusually high proportion of left-handers. Being left-handed myself, I wondered...