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Are our National Parks for animals or people?
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...
Our Mysterious Microbial World
Microbes exist around us, on us, and in us. On each of us, microbial cells are believed to outnumber human cells by 10 to 1. Improvements in science and technology are allowing us to learn more about our strange, microbial world. For the past five years, I...
Filled With Gratitude for Our Parks
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...
Stephen T. Mather and His Legacy with the National Park Service
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...
How Many Parks?
We just stopped, and looked. That such a thing existed, and to see it with our own eyes, was enough to make the 2000-mile trip worthwhile. Our first glimpse at a giant sequoia, Sequoiadendron giganteum, left us both speechless. “Wow,” my wife let out in almost...
Hamilton: An American Public Opinion Theorist?
Given the ubiquity of opinion polls – especially in this election season – and the keen attention devoted to parsing their statistical snapshots of public moods and preferences, it can be easy to assume that the term "public opinion" has always described an...
Book Lover Quirkiness in the JHUP Stairways
Book lovers are quirky. They push their noses into books in libraries or bookstores to fill up on that old or new book smell. They buy so many books there are stacks of Jane Austen novels propping up their coffee tables. They cite the first line of their...
The C&O Canal & the Historic Potomac Landscape
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...
A Shot in the Park
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...
Calming Your Anxious Child
August 7th, 2016 is National Kids Day. In honor of the occasion, Dr. Kathleen Trainor, author of the new book, Calming Your Anxious Child: Words to Say and Things to Do, offers four strategies to help quiet the worries of children moved by tragedy. For more on...