How to Become an Expert
I have heard that if you wish to be considered an expert on a subject, you first need to write a book about it. I wrote Disease and Discovery, first published in 1987, not so much because I wanted to be considered an expert, but because I felt a rather urgent...
Taking Medical Education to the Source
Earlier this year, the Bulletin of the History of Medicine introduced a new section on Pedagogy designed to share approaches to and experiences of teaching the history of medicine in diverse classrooms. The section will appear twice a year and is complemented...
Four places to visit in Maryland this August
Planning your weekend excursions for the month of August? Author Bryan MacKay has the inspiration you need. The following is excerpted from his book, A Year Across Maryland: A Week-by-Week Guide to Discovering Nature in the Chesapeake Region. Dolly Sods...
Vital Spaces, Vital Places – Research in our National Parks
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...
July Media Roundup
Compiling this snapshot of JHU Press books in the news this month was similar to the experience of singing “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” I was thoroughly worn out by the time it was through, but boy was it fun. Take a look at what our authors have been...
Civil War Unmasked in 'Living Hell'
This post is part of our July “Unexpected America” blog series, focused on intriguing or surprising American history research from 1776 to today. (Photo Credit Nicholas Raymond) Often I am asked what most surprised me during the researching of Living Hell. My...
The Homestead, Hot Springs, Virginia
George Washington visited Hot Springs, Va. on horseback in 1755 on an inspection tour of forts as protection against Indian attacks. The Homestead spa and resort was founded in 1766, a decade before our country. That makes the hotel 250 years old in 2016...
Andrew Jackson as a Military Leader
This post is part of our July “Unexpected America” blog series, focused on intriguing or surprising American history research from 1776 to today. Check back with us all month to see what new scholarship our authors have to share! (Photo Credit Nicholas Raymond...
Privateer Blown Sky High
This post is part of our July “Unexpected America” blog series, focused on intriguing or surprising American history research from 1776 to today. Check back with us all month to see what new scholarship our authors have to share! (Photo Credit Nicholas Raymond...
The Amish: A Concise Introduction
One of the things that continually fascinates me about the Amish is the diversity within this group that can, at first glance, seem entirely uniform. Today there are more than 300,000 Amish living in more than 500 communities across 31 U.S. states and three...