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The Four Steps of Assertiveness: Take Charge of Your Life
An engaging guide for cultivating assertiveness to live a happier life.
Intersex People in the Past and Present: Contemporary Advocacy in Historical Context
When I first published Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex in 2009, not many people had even heard of “intersex” (atypical development of genitals, chromosomes, hormones and gonads), though of course individuals have always been born with these...

Of Nouns and Verbs: Researching Women, Finance, and Law in Early America
He collected. They paid. She sued. Works of history routinely contain phrases like these. When I began studying women’s legal activities in eighteenth-century New England, I too wrote sentences with these sorts of verbs—active, yet simultaneously vague. I...

Building Gender Equity in the Academy: Institutional Strategies for Change
Addressing the complex challenges facing the world requires the scientific and technical expertise of many people whose diverse talents can make a difference. Universities and colleges contribute to that work through research, teaching, and public engagement...

Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education: Making It Work, Third Edition
The third edition of Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education: Making It Work was already in press prior to the pandemic and, subsequently, the assault on the Capitol. While the book presaged these events, its core message remains relevant. The pandemic has...

Lean Semesters: How Higher Education Reproduces Inequity – Q&A with author Sekile M. Nzinga
Why did you write Lean Semesters: How Higher Education Reproduces Inequity? I wrote this book to map neoliberalism in action and to expose the opaque market practices of contemporary higher education institutions that are compounding inequality for Black women...

The Lives of Amish Women
The Lives of Amish Women explores how religion, tradition, and social practice come together to shape what it means to be a woman in Amish society. In writing this book, I wanted to understand better how the religiously defined roles of Amish women have...

Defending Privilege – Q&A with author Nicole Mansfield Wright
Some reviewers have described Defending Privilege as an explainer of the historical roots of our current political warfare. How does your book illuminate current events?These days, government leaders, cable hosts, journalists, and protestors are battling to...
Entangled Lives: Labor, Livelihood, and Landscapes of Change in Rural Massachusetts
Among the most powerful artifacts I know of early American women’s work isn’t an artifact at all. It is the darkened wood around some eighteenth-century flooring, shown to me many years ago now by an architectural conservator at work in the Porter-Phelps...

Queer and Crip Influences and Infections
Earlier this year, Feminist Formations released a special issue on "The Biosocial Politics of Queer/Crip Contagions" guest edited by Kelly Fritsch and Anne McGuire. Featuring 10 essays as well as poetry from Qwo-Li Driskill, the issue traces the multiple and...

The Path for Feminist Formations
A team at Oregon State University took over the editorial duties for the journal Feminist Formations in 2016. Editor Patti Duncan took some time to talk with us about the journal and its innovative work in women's, gender and sexuality studies when she visited...