A Palace of One’s Own: Celebrating Professor Richard Macksey
Photo credit: Johns Hopkins and the greater academic community lost a brilliant mind earlier this month when Richard Macksey died. Professor Macksey was an author and journal editor, long-time friend of the Press, and permanent fixture of...

Thesis Research Aims to Deepen Student Connections
A pair of Haverford College librarians recently published "False Starts and Breakthroughs:Senior Thesis Research as a Critical Learning Process" in the journal portal:Libraries and the Academy. Haverford students have to complete a senior thesis or work...

Mourning the End of an All Around Education
Sara Dreyfuss currently serves as the Managing Editor of the journal portal: Libraries and the Academy, but she previously worked as the editorial director of the World Book Encyclopedia. Dreyfuss wrote an essay called "Out of Print" about the disappearance of...

Agricultural Partnerships Paying Off for Libraries
In 1990, Library Trends dedicated a special issue to the topic of libraries and agricultural information. After almost three decades, the journal revisited the topic in the third issue of the current volume. Guest editors Sarah C. Williams and Christine D’Arpa...

Wherever I am, a library is my home
ONE of my car accessories is a dead giveaway. My license plate cover reads “LIBRARIES ARE ESSENTIAL––I LOVE MY LIBRARY.” As children, after school, we scampered past the duck pond up the hill to the Wellesley Free Library in eastern Massachusetts, paused to...

A Commitment to Community
In the introduction to a recent special issue of the journal Library Trends, the guest editors simply state that “libraries are part of the fabric of society.” That kicks off the discussion of “Libraries in the Political Process,” the topic of the Fall 2016...

Steve Grant’s First Folio Tour
This year, in honor of the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare (on April 23, 1616), the Folger Shakespeare Library has organized an extraordinary tour of First Folios from the Folger collection to all fifty states. Steve Grant, author of our...

Two local treasures head to the Library of Congress
JHU Press and the book-loving community in Baltimore are losing two treasured colleagues to the Library of Congress. We hate to see them go—but we’re thrilled for both of them and so proud of the extraordinary recognition their appointments represent. Becky...