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The Four Steps of Assertiveness: Take Charge of Your Life
An engaging guide for cultivating assertiveness to live a happier life.
Halloween Reading List
Witches, devils, ghouls...and books! This Halloween, explore hauntingly good books from Hopkins Press, including Preserved, The Secret History of the Jersey Devil, and Dead Women Talking and uncover the mysteries and legends of the spookiest time of the year.

Arizona Quarterly publishes special issue highlighting later work of Adrienne Rich
The Autumn 2022 issue of Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory is a special issue devoted to the later work of American poet, essayist, and feminist Adrienne Rich. While Rich's early work garnered much literary attention, her...

A Novel Idea
A recent issue of Diacritics took a look at Jonathan Culler's 2015 book Theory of the Lyric, which examined the Western lyric tradition. Elizabeth S. Anker, a colleague of Culler's at Cornell University, guest edited the issue, which grew out of the 2017...

Celebrating World Doll Day
June 8, 2019, is World Doll Day, and the most important attribute of these playthings – Jerry Griswold points out in this excerpt from Feeling Like a Kid – is how they are alive. The very young child, psychologist Jean Piaget observed, does not distinguish...

Lolita and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
April 22 (1899) is the birthday of Vladmir Nabokov, the Russian-American author who died in 1977 and is most remembered for his controversial novel Lolita. What is extraordinary–Jerry Griswold suggests in this edited excerpt from his Audacious Kids: The...

Timelines of American Literature
When did the twenty-first century begin? There may briefly have been a temptation to say it began at 12:01 on the first day of January in the year 2000, in that burst of elation and relief when everyone discovered that the dreaded “Y2K bug,” instead of...

No Escaping Houdini's Influence
Michael Chabon's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay came out in 2000, but still resonates in literary circles nearly 20 years later. The Spring 2018 issue of MFS Modern Fiction Studies featured "The Politics of Escapistry...

A Tell-Tale Anniversary: 50 Years of Poe Studies
The 2017 volume of the journal Poe Studies marked the 50th publication of the journal dedicated to the author near and dear to our hometown of Baltimore. The annual issue included a cluster of papers on "Poe and Nineteenth-Century Medicine." Washington State...

Hurricane Season Playlist
It’s June, and hurricane season has begun in the Atlantic region. Drawing on the discography of my recent book, Cultivation and Catastrophe: The Lyric Ecology of Modern Black Poetry, this blog post offers a disaster playlist to get you through these stormy...
5 Things You Might Not Know about Fifties Fiction
There were a lot of famous novels published during the 1950s: Invisible Man, On the Road, The Recognitions, Lolita, The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451, Things Fall Apart, Atlas Shrugged, all three volumes of The Lord of the Rings, The...