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What Even Is Trauma?
Trauma was the word of the year in 2018, according to the Oxford Dictionary. That was the same year I decided my tenure working as a communications specialist in the federal government needed to end. I felt I had achieved all I was going to, and that it was...
The “Hidden Pandemic” - The Psychological Impact of COVID-19
By George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Author: The Johns Hopkins Guide to Psychological First Aid (JHU Press); Rodney Makes a Friend: Helping Your Child Develop...
Separated: Q&A with author William D. Lopez
Why did you write Separated: Family and Community in the Aftermath of an Immigration Raid? I decided to write Separated because the stories I was told deserved more depth, empathy, and richness than other formats would permit. The lives of the women and...
Practical Lessons in Psychological First Aid
Most of us have directly observed another human in psychological distress, whether it was a friend, a family member, a co-worker, or perhaps a complete stranger. Similarly, those of us who have observed someone in distress have usually been motivated to offer...