By George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Author: The Johns Hopkins Guide to Psychological First Aid (JHU Press); Rodney Makes a Friend: Helping Your Child Develop resilience and Social Intelligence (BookBaby); and Stronger: Develop the Resilience You Need (AMACOM/ HarperCollins)
The COVID-19 pandemic will likely be a defining event for an entire generation… But what of the “hidden pandemic?”
History teaches us that there will always be more psychological “casualties” than physical casualties as a result of disasters such as the pandemic. When I use the term psychological casualty, I mean someone who has been adversely impacted to the degree they cannot adequately do the things they need to do. Estimates vary widely but we can say that roughly one-third of the population directly affected by the pandemic will suffer such significantly adverse psychological reactions and could benefit from some form of psychological support (Manderscheid, 2006).
In various capacities, I have responded to SARS, the H1N1 influenza, Ebola, and a wide variety of other disasters throughout the world over the last 30 years, including the invasion of Kuwait, the Serbo- Croatian War, the Oklahoma City bombing, the World Trade Center attacks, and Hurricane Katrina. While appearing to be very different in their nature and scope, they all followed a similar trajectory of psychological reactions which we expect to see unfold in response to COVID-19. The trajectory I share below is not a fait accompli, rather it is an informed prediction designed to better prepare us to minimize adversity and foster resilience.
At the beginning, we found ourselves in the impact/ heroic phase of the pandemic. Initial reactions were confusion, shock, fear, and even denial. There were reflexive acts aimed at self-preservation (fleeing, hoarding, stigmatizing). After the self-preserving reactions of the impact phase, we often see heroic reactions of sharing, support, altruism, and in the cases of emergency services and healthcare professionals, among others, risking their own physical and psychological well-being, and potentially that of their families.
Social distancing and even self-quarantine continue to be advocated by public health experts. Adherence to such guidelines appears absolutely essential. While essential physically, it actually may inadvertently erode the single best predictor of human resilience which is social cohesion and the support of others. The popular notion of “work-life balance” has become a victim of the pandemic’s forced shelter at home self-quarantine. For most, it is now a matter of what I shall call “work-life integration” where there are no clear lines separating work from family from hobbies. It’s all a blur. But what that may also mean is there is simply no respite to be found.
We will get through this. And when we do we will take a deep collective sigh of relief punctuated by a collective “high five.” In this “honeymoon” phase, we will embrace an attitude of gratitude. Cohesion will be enhanced. But like most honeymoons, it will be short-lived for most.
But as I said earlier, we will get through this. Physically, most will heal. Psychologically most will recover and resume their lives, or construct new lives. On the anniversary of this pandemic, we will pause and remember. Then we will move on. Some will re-experience the angst of the past year, but they too will move on.
Manderscheid, R. W. (2006, March 21). Preparing for Pandemic Avian Influenza: Ensuring Mental Health Services and Mitigating Panic. Retrieved February 28, 2007, from Ensuring%20MH%20Services%20&%20Mitigating%20Panic%20-%20Constella%20Group.pdf