Rohit Khanna
Margaret S. Chisolm, MDwith John Hancforeword by Cal Ripken Jr.illustrated by Natasha Chugh
Jennifer R. Stelter, PsyDwith Rachael Wonderlin
Ryan Frederick, CEO of SmartLiving 360foreword by Paul Irving
Kenneth D. Miller, MD, and Melissa Camp, MD, MPHwith Kathy Steligo
Cindy Weinsteinwith Bruce L. Miller, MD
Nancy L. Mace, MA, and Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH
Jessica Fanzo, PhD
Déborah Ducasse, MD, and Véronique Brand-Arpon, MAtranslated by Alison Duncan
Gary H. Cassel, MD
Jeanne Simonsas told to and with commentary by Sabine Oishi, PhDforeword and afterword by James C. Harris, MD
Kapil Parakh, MD, PhDwith Anna Dirksen
Mike Armstrongwith Eric A. Vohrforeword by Theodore DeWeese, MD
Michael S. Levy
Susan J. Noonan, MD, MPH
Jeffrey C. May and Connie L. Mayforeword by Jonathan M. Samet, MD, and Elizabeth Matsui, MD, MHS
Dan Morhaim, MDwith Shelley Morhaim
Francis Mark Mondimore, MD
with Hopkins Press Books