Yes! An easy-to-read, fascinating review of the science behind new parents' biggest health questions. Many of these issues—infant sleep, breastfeeding, vaccines—will hit your 'Should I panic?' button. With gentle guidance, Alice Callahan puts your fears to rest.
Name a complex or controversial topic and Callahan provides the science on both sides of the arguments to help parents make wise choices.
[Callahan's] compassion and empathy for the difficulties of parenting shine through in every chapter, from breastfeeding to vaccines to feeding to sleeping.
Alice Callahan, PhD, combines the critical eye of a scientist with the heart of a mother to create a helpful resource for all people interested in evidence-based infant care and parenting.
[Callahan] takes a compassionate, non-preachy approach with a goal of not telling the reader what to do but rather how to seek wise advice and make smart decisions and to enjoy having a baby, which is what it is all about.
Alice Callahan has written a breakthrough book, combining the compassion, warmth, and angst of a mother with the measured reasoning of a scientist. She helps parents not only understand how science works but how they can access that science to answer their questions. She's found a way to access the scientist in all of us.
A timely and necessary book for parents... It will help both moms and dads work together to choose the right parenting methods for them and give them a research-based approach to raising a child.
Finally, someone has brought some science—and some sense—to the mommy wars. Should be required reading for all new (and old) parents.
A rare gem in the parenting canon—smart, sensitive, and a lifesaver for a generation of parents caught in the nebulous spider's web of Internet 'wisdom.'
Families routinely search for health information. The Science of Mom makes it easy, collecting evidence for health decisions and putting it into perspective with a mom-to-mom connection. Callahan's advice is thoughtful, backed by science, and feels fueled by love. She is willing to provide powerful advice when detailing the science and safety of vaccines. Keep this book in arm's reach as you support your infant for calm and direction.
Think of all the controversial, hot-button topics that parents obsess about in a child's first year—from vaccines to feeding, bed-sharing to sleep training. Weighing the scientific evidence, Callahan offers balanced insights and in-depth answers—a far cry from the oversimplified advice prescribed by many 'parenting experts.' The result: a must-have guide that's substantive and extremely engaging.
[S]hould be required reading for all new parents. [Callahan] calms fears and provides parents with real facts. She doesn't make the decisions for you, but she makes it a lot easier to make sound decisions.
A fresh and enlightening approach. I'd highly recommend this book to any mom expecting her first child or her fourth.
Dr. Callahan isn't bossy, and isn't out to tell you what she thinks. Her book tells you what the science says, and explains how we know what we know, and what things we still need to learn more about. There's humility and warmth here, which I think parents of newborns will find reassuring.
This is science-based medicine writing at its best. Callahan doesn't cherry-pick. She knows how to evaluate the entire body of research and put it into perspective along with practical parenting considerations. She enhances her message with a personal touch, including anecdotes about her own experiences as a new mother and about the experiences of her friends and family. If I had three thumbs, I would give this book a three-thumbs-up recommendation.
[A] solid resource for any new parent or parent to be. Callahan does the work of sorting through the science of baby's first year, so you don't have to.
A book long-overdue in the parenting literature.
The Science of Mom stands out from the crowd... an easy-to-read, certifiable resource.
Alice Callahan has given parents an invaluable resource. She addresses many of the questions new parents have by digging deeply into the science, explaining not just the research but all the context that's essential to interpreting it. Her advice is thoughtful, measured, and clear. I wish I'd been fortunate enough to have The Science of Mom on my bedside table when I transitioned to motherhood.
Reading The Science of Mom is like having brunch with your best friend who has delved into the science of parenting's thorniest issues, and who then breaks it down for you with warmth and compassion over a nice latte. This is a must-read for parents looking to make evidence-based decisions around feeding, sleep, and vaccinating their child.
Callahan cuts through the confusion, giving parents permission to focus on what matters and enjoy parenthood so much more.
The Science of Mom is everything a parent needs during that critical and exhausting first year: a voice of reason that's easily browsable and always grounded in science.
Book Details
1. Show Me the Science: A Crash Course in Evidence-Based Parenting
2. Birth Day, First Day: Easing Your Newborn's Transition into the World
3. Of Injections and Eye
1. Show Me the Science: A Crash Course in Evidence-Based Parenting
2. Birth Day, First Day: Easing Your Newborn's Transition into the World
3. Of Injections and Eye Goop: Newborn Medical Procedures
4. Getting to Know You: How Newbos Explore, Communicate, and Connect
5. Vaccines and Your Child: Making Science-Based Decisions
6. Sleep Safely, Sleep Sweetly: Safety at Night and the Bed Sharing Debate
7. In Search of a Good Night's Sleep (Or Something Like It)
8. Milk and Motherhood: Breast Milk, Formula, and Feeding in the Real World
9. Getting Started with Solid Foods: When and How to Begin
10. Eat, Grow, and Learn: The Best Foods for Babies