Mark Hallett and Mathew J. Wedel
Michael L. Power and Jay Schulkin
Kelly B. Miller and Johannes Bergsten
David B. Snyder and George H. Burgess
edited by Jason I. Ransom and Petra Kaczensky
Roland Kays
Danté Fenolio
Lawrence R. Heaney, Danilo S. Balete, and Eric A. Rickart
Val Kells, Luiz A. Rocha, and Larry G. Allen
edited by James R. Spotila and Pilar Santidrián Tomillo
William E. Duellman
Gerardo Ceballos, Anne H. Ehrlich, and Paul R. Ehrlich
Leslie Dayillustrated by Trudy Smokephotographs by Beth Bergmanforeword by Don Riepe
David Hallock Secor
edited by Kimberly M. Andrews, Priya Nanjappa, and Seth P. D. Riley
edited by Michael L. Morrison and Heather A. Mathewson
Sankar Chatterjee
A. Townsend Peterson
Guy BaldassarreA Wildlife Management Institute Book
Daniel L. Gebo
with Hopkins Press Books