edited by Gerardo Ceballos
J. B. Zirker
Gerald L. Kooyman and Wayne Lynch
Aaron M. Bauer
Uldis Roze
Richard W. Thorington, Jr., John L. Koprowski, Michael A. Steele, and James F. Whatton
Matt Cameron
Kristin Johnson
Lytton John Musselman and David A. Knepper
Jae Choeforeword by Jane Goodallphotographs by Dan Perlman
Text by Andrew E. DerocherPhotographs by Wayne Lynch
George A. Feldhamer and William J. McShea
Carl H. Ernst and Evelyn M. Ernst
Michael J. Harvey, J. Scott Altenbach, and Troy L. Best
Leslie Dayillustrated by Trudy Smoke
Gene Helfman and Bruce Collette
James G. Sanderson and Patrick Watson
Mike Dorcas and Whit Gibbons
James R. Spotila
with Hopkins Press Books