John R. Thelin
Mark L. Louden
Bob Johnson
Jeffrey O. G. Ogbarwith a new preface
Zachary Smith
Homer Venters, former Chief Medical Officer of NYC Jails
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele
Ellen N. La Motteedited with an introduction and biography by Cynthia Wachtell
edited by Cody Marrs and Christopher Hager
David A. Taylor
Audra J. Wolfe
Greta LaFleur
John R. Thelinforeword by Michael A. Olivas
David L. McConnell and Marilyn D. Loveless
edited by Kate Fullagar and Michael A. McDonnellforeword by Daniel K. Richter
Stephen R. Duncan
Michael Stamm
Christopher Gainor
Christopher Newfield
Daniel Peart
with Hopkins Press Books