An outstanding survey of how wild animals are tracked and documented.
A much-needed reminder that human dimensions have influenced and will continue to influence the direction of wildlife conservation, science, and management just as much as changing technologies.
A gripping tale of wildlife research in the face of constant aggravation.
A fascinating read and will appeal to anyone with an interest in wildlife management or research.
These individual stories provide colour and depth to a unique study of biopolitics in the history of animal tracking.
An important addition to an emerging picture on how and why efforts emerged to keep a pulse on the planet.
An empirically well-grounded study of a technology so defining of an important field of nature management that its publication should be of interest to many people.
The greatest stength of Wired Wilderness is its extraordinary detail, melding the history of science and technology with environmental history.
A fascinating window onto the professional aspirations, disciplinary concerns, and field practices of American wildlife biologists in the post–World War II era. Benson is on to an important topic here and he handles it exceptionally well.
Book Details
Introduction: Knowing the Wild
1. Cold War Game
2. The Poetry of Wilderness
3. Diplomatic and Political Subtleties
4. The Regulatory Leviathan
Conclusion: New Connections
Introduction: Knowing the Wild
1. Cold War Game
2. The Poetry of Wilderness
3. Diplomatic and Political Subtleties
4. The Regulatory Leviathan
Conclusion: New Connections
Essay on Sources