This is an essential, timely, well-referenced, and thorough update of the subjects covered in Public Health and Aging.
I would like to recommend it for all pre-entry health practice and policy courses... at the very least it should be a reference text.
An extremely well-written, well-researched, and thorough book, with each topic written by experts. It will be extremely useful to researchers, faculty, practitioners, and students alike.
Public Health for an Aging Society is a highly readable volume that captures the essence of public health, introduces the reader to current aging-related challenges, provides direction for addressing those challenges, and offers a glimpse of things to come. After finishing this volume, even the more seasoned among us are likely to have learned something new, to have expanded the way they think about an issue or two, and may even find that their enthusiasm for what we do in public health has been reignited.
A current, essential read; a primer for the scholar interested in research and policy setting as they affect the aging individual within a societal framework for public health... Comprehensive, well referenced, and presents a gestalt perspective that illuminates the aged within a public-health framework... Public Health for an Aging Society is a valuable read for academicians, researchers, clinicians, and policy makers. It is also valuable for each and every one of us as we move through life and become aware of this growing vulnerable population that needs our assistance for safety and security.
Book Details
List of Contributers
Part I. Fundamentals
Chapter 1. Contemporary Prespectives on Public Health
Chapter 2. What Are the Roles of Public Health in an Aging Society
Chapter 3
List of Contributers
Part I. Fundamentals
Chapter 1. Contemporary Prespectives on Public Health
Chapter 2. What Are the Roles of Public Health in an Aging Society
Chapter 3. Financing and Organizing Health and Long-Term Care Services for Older Populations
Chapter 4. Assessing the Health and Quality of Life of Older Populations: Concepts, Resources, and Systems
Part II. Social and Behavioral Factors
Chapter 5. Social Determinants of Health Inequities and Health
Chapter 6. Disability and Functional Status
Chapter 7. Behavioral Risk Factors and Evidence-Based Interventions
Part III. Societal Applications
Chapter 8. Translation: Dissemination and Implementation
Chapter 9. Family Caregiving of Older Adults
Chapter 10. Social Engagement and a Healthy Aging Socity
Chapter 11. Public Health Policy Successes
Part IV. Public Health Infrastructure for an Aging Society
Chapter 12. Technology and Aging
Chapter 13. Public Health Workforce: Preparing for an Aging Society
Chapter 14. Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
Part V. Emerging Issues
Chapter 15. Plenned and Built Environments in Public Health
Chapter 16. Genomics and Aging
Chapter 17. Global Perspectives on Public Health and Aging
Chapter 18. Resource Allocation in an Aging U.S. Society