The strength of this book lies in the wisdom and stature of its authors. Included are contributions from some of the most knowledgeable and respected figures in the fields of public health and aging services....a very useful text for students in public health or a guide for public health faculty.
A helpful chronology takes the reader through the war day by day.
Pulling together experts with diverse backgrounds in public health and aging, Public Health and Aging is the first book in nearly ten years to take such a comprehensive public health approach to the evaluation of care for the aging members of our society. The book is a 'who's who' in the field and promises to be a classic textbook in the areas of aging and public health.
Book Details
The Public Health Paradigm
Understanding the Aging and Public Health Networks
Behavioral, Social, and Socioenvironmental Factors Adding Years to Life and Life to Years
Issues of Resource Allocation in
The Public Health Paradigm
Understanding the Aging and Public Health Networks
Behavioral, Social, and Socioenvironmental Factors Adding Years to Life and Life to Years
Issues of Resource Allocation in an Aging Society
Variability in Disease Manifestations in Older Adults: Implications for Public and Community Health Programs
Disability Outcomes of Chronic Disease and Their Implications for Public Health
Evidence of Modifiable Risk Factors in Older Adults as a Basis for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs
Integrating Research into Program Planning and Development Terrie Wetle
Surveillance, Needs Assessment, and Evaluation
Conceptual Measurement, and Analytical Issues in Assessing Health Status in Older Populations
On the Economic Analysis of Interventions for Aged Populations
Postponing Disability: Identifying Points of Decline and Potential Intervention
Aging, Bioethics, and Public Health: Issues at the Intersection of Three Multidisciplinary Fields
Implications of an Aging Society for the Preparation of Public Health Professionals
Implications of an Aging Society for the Organization and Evaluation of Public Health Services
Toward a Synthesis of a Public Health Agenda for an Aging Society