The book will interest readers concerned about global financial, economic, and political trends and issues.
Book Details
Introduction. The Global Financial Crisis: The Beginning of the End of the "Development" Agenda?
Part I: Implication of the Crisis on Development Thinking
Chapter 1. Three Models of Contemporary
Introduction. The Global Financial Crisis: The Beginning of the End of the "Development" Agenda?
Part I: Implication of the Crisis on Development Thinking
Chapter 1. Three Models of Contemporary Capitalism
Chapter 2. Lessons from the Great Recession
Chapter 3. The Crisis and the Two Globalization Fetishes
Part II: Emerging Market Perspectives
Chapter 4. China: Getting the Rural Issues Right
Chapter 5. China's Response to the Global Economic Crisis
Chapter 6. Latin American Development after the Global Financial Crisis
Chapter 7. The International Financial Crisis: Eight Lessons for and from Latin America
Part III: International Institutions
Chapter 8. Toward Strengthened Global Economic Governance
Part IV: After the Crisis
Chapter 9. The Financial Crisis and Organizational Capability for Policy Implementation
Chapter 10. The Democratic Recession: Before and After the Financial Crisis
Chapter 11. The Labor Mobility Agenda for Development
Chapter 12. Global Economic Crisis and Demographic Change: Implications for Development Policy
Conclusion. What Crisis?