This is essential reading for any family that has a child with DSD.
Book Details
1. An Introduction to DSD
What is DSD?
How are children with DSD identified?
Did I cause my child to have DSD?
Is my child a boy or a girl?
Will my child grow up to be healthy and happy?
2. What Type
1. An Introduction to DSD
What is DSD?
How are children with DSD identified?
Did I cause my child to have DSD?
Is my child a boy or a girl?
Will my child grow up to be healthy and happy?
2. What Type of DSD Does My Child Have?
What is 46,XX DSD?
What is 46,XY DSD?
What other types of DSD are there?
3. How Will My Newborn Baby Be Evaluated?
How are different types of DSD identified?
What testing is used to establish a diagnosis?
How are these tests done?
What will these tests tell me about my baby's condition?
4. Gender Development in DSD
What is gender?
What is known about long-term gender development in people with DSD?
5. Understanding and Weighing the Treatment Options
What medical treatments are available for infants and children with DSD?
What surgical treatments are available for infants and children with DSD?
What are the pros and cons associated with these treatments?
6. Educating Children about DSD
Is my child healthy?
Why does my child need all these doctors?
Will my child grow up to look like other people?
Will my child grow up to behave like other people?
7. Long-term Health of People with DSD
Is life expectancy different for people with DSD?
Is my child at risk for other medical conditions because of DSD?
How will hormone replacement affect long-term health?
8. Challenges and Special Circumstances
Should I get a second opinion?
What if I want to change doctors?
What if I think my baby was assigned the wrong gender?
What if my child thinks he or she was assigned the wrong gender?
Should my child participate in a research study?
9. Peer Support
What can peer-support groups offer?
How do I find these groups?
How can I start my own peer-support group?