One of the more fascinating late releases in science books this year... Highly recomended.
This is a fascinating book... It takes what is a uniquely American phenomena and puts it into an entirely new context.
This first comprehensive contribution on creationism in Europe skilfully traces the threads of historiography, Philosophy, Sociology, Biology and other sciences, from the 19th century to the 21st century, focusing on the rise of a response to the creation science, intelligent design, and antievolutionism in a variety of European countries and regions... Creationism in Europe is a provocative contribution to the current European and global historiography. It offers plenty of scope for developing new ideas that European scholars could take to their own research, and use to expand or modify their own perspective.
A significant contribution toward filling a major gap in the literature...
This science versus the Bible debate will not go away anytime soon. This book ought to be... essential reading for anyone involved in or concerned about the issues it raises.
Creationism in Europe must be on our reading lists.
As a well-edited compendium of essays in which each chapter explores the history of organized creationism (and opposition to it) in a specific country or region, Creationism in Europe is both authoritative and comprehensive.
Creationism in Europe marks a serious advance in the social and historical understanding of antievolutionist activism in Europe.
This is a fine collection of essays on an understudied topic, and will provide an essential starting point for any further research of European creationism. It is uniformly well written, accessible to the non-specialist, and makes a vital contribution to the existing scholarship.
A valuable overview of creationist efforts and activities in Europe through historical or journalistic narratives. Each chapter tells us more than we knew before.
Book Details
Foreword, by Ronald L. Numbers
Introduction: Creationism in Europe or European Creationism?
Chapter 1. France
Chapter 2. Spain and Portugal
Chapter 3. United Kingdom
Chapter 4. The Low
Foreword, by Ronald L. Numbers
Introduction: Creationism in Europe or European Creationism?
Chapter 1. France
Chapter 2. Spain and Portugal
Chapter 3. United Kingdom
Chapter 4. The Low Countries
Chapter 5. Scandinavia
Chapter 6. Germany
Chapter 7. Poland
Chapter 8. Greece
Chapter 9. Russia and Its Neighbors
Chapter 10. Turkey
Chapter 11. Catholicism
Chapter 12. Intelligent Design
Chapter 13. The Rise of Anti-creationism in Europe
Afterword: Reclaiming Science for Creationism
A Note on Sources
List of Contributors