This fascinating investigation of a previously neglected topic will appeal to those interested in classics, gender studies, and the history of work.
Drawing from a wealth of ancient and comparative sources, and harnessing a range of theoretical approaches, Karanika offers a landmark study of female labour and Greek poetics. The book... offers important new insights into Greek poetry.
Voices at Work adds to a growing corpus of scholarship on female vocality in the ancient world and, with its focus on the nexus between the female voice, women's labour and poetics, brings an important and valuable new dimension to the field.
In this challenging and sophisticated book, Andromache Karanika works against the grain of ancient disdain for songs related to women and work, in order to (re)establish the central pace of femininity and labor in ancient poetics... Karanika successfully adumbrates a diverse array of genres and gendered voices which are muted or silenced in ancient sources and modern scholarship. Her work demonstrates a mastery of a multitude of evidence... Karanika's monograph deserves a wide audience.
Voices at Work is ambitious and original in its subject matter and scope and will complement the steady stream of scholarship on gender, women's performances, and female speech in ancient Greece.
Book Details
Note on Transliteration and Translation
1. Women, Labor, and Performance in Homer
2. Gender, Genre, and Women's Work in the Odyssey
3. Work and Performance in Captivity
Note on Transliteration and Translation
1. Women, Labor, and Performance in Homer
2. Gender, Genre, and Women's Work in the Odyssey
3. Work and Performance in Captivity
4. Fragments of Songs, Moments at Work
5. Finding Work Songs, Dances, and Ritual Acts
6. From Lullabies to Children's Songs: Some Diachronic Perspectives
7. No More Weaving: The Poetics of Interruption
8. The Tradition of Harvesting Songs