Philipp Jeserich has written a wide-ranging and meticulously documented study of a fundamental question in medieval aesthetics, which sheds new light on the relation between poetics and music theory in the Middle Ages.
Book Details
Part One
1. Trends in Recent Research on the Late Middle Ages
2. Eustache Deschamps, L'Art de Dictier, 1392: Presentation and State of Research
3. Desiderata in Research
Part Two
4. From Pagan Late
Part One
1. Trends in Recent Research on the Late Middle Ages
2. Eustache Deschamps, L'Art de Dictier, 1392: Presentation and State of Research
3. Desiderata in Research
Part Two
4. From Pagan Late Antiquity to the Christian Middle Ages
5. Augustine, De musica
6. Boethius, De institutione arithmetica and De institutionemusica
7. Speculative Music Theory in the Boethian Tradition,500–1500
8. Speculative Music Theory and Poetics
9. Instead of a Summary: Speculative Music Theory and Poeticsin the French Vernacular. Évrart de Conty's Échecs amoureux and Glose
Part Three
10. Eustache Deschamps's L'Art de Dictier Revisited: New Connections
11. The Speculative Conception of Music and the "Formalist" Poetics of the Grands Rhétoriqueurs