The material unfolds engagingly because the Trollingers confront and rebut pseudoscientific zealotry...so readers emerge from our deep exposure to this culture feeling triumphant, sane, as we align with the authors in the camp of science and reason.
[T]he most compelling elements of the book focus on the history, evolution and construction of the museum as a cultural space and then explore how the Creation Museum fits into that history. As the Trollingers show repeatedly, Creationism has evolved a posture that steadfastly sidesteps any kind of serious debate. The book is at its best when it situates the Creation Museum within the longer history of how we present objects and organize knowledge.
More than a tour, Righting America at the Creation Museum is about as thorough and detailed a text-based analysis of the Creation Museum as anyone could want. This book is a perceptive critical analysis of the museum’s purposes, methods, and potential impact.
The Creation Museum has attracted significant attention from scholars in a variety of disciplines, but to the best of my knowledge this is the first full-length scholarly book about it... the Trollingers bring expertise in anti-evolutionism and visual rhetoric to bear on the Creation Museum. Righting America at the Creation Museum combines analysis of the museum as a visual argument with analysis of the ideas on display, giving readers a broad and sometimes deep understanding of creationism as a phenomenon.
A multidimensional approach to the topic of the Creation Museum, this superb book combines ethnography with discursive forays into history and theory in an attempt to understand an important cultural phenomenon. The authors deftly move from description to historical vignettes to theory as they seek to explain the museum.
This carefully researched, engagingly written book takes readers on a virtual tour of the Creation Museum, the first of its kind. This book is, to my knowledge, also the first of its kind. No one else has devoted such meticulous attention to the messages of the museum or done so in such a lucid, even-handed manner.
Book Details
1. Museum
2. Science
3. Bible
4. Politics
5. Judgment
Works Cited
Suggestions for Further Reading