Studies authored by a solid array of seasoned scholars, newly minted doctorates, and doctoral students in the field from major institutions across the country... Most useful to institutions that host graduate programs in education to maintain research-level collections in the field.
At the heart of the book is the idea that linking critical theories, models, and methodologies with a self-aware critical version is essential to social action in higher education.
This book is a gem with a delicate vision to motivate scholars and teachers alike to engage in the noble—yet difficult—task of effecting change, especially the kind of transformation that advocates justice and nutures equity in higher education.
This book is both comprehensive in nature and seminal in content.
Educators and leaders urgently need scholarship that draws critical attention to educational inequities across the world. By foregrounding innovative research approaches, Critical Approaches to the Study of Higher Education focuses on understanding and counteracting existing inequities. This compelling book will be useful to all those who wish to be part of that effort.
Book Details
1. Critical Discourse Analysis in Higher Education Policy Research
2. Sense and Sensibility: Considering the Dynamic between Scholarship andLived Experiences
3. A Critical Approach to Power
1. Critical Discourse Analysis in Higher Education Policy Research
2. Sense and Sensibility: Considering the Dynamic between Scholarship andLived Experiences
3. A Critical Approach to Power in Higher Education
4. A Critical Reframing of Human Capital Theory in US Higher Education
5. The Ideas and Craft of the Critical Historian of Education
6. The State and Contest in Higher Education in the Globalized Era: CriticalPerspectives
7. Critical Policy Analysis, the Craft of Qualitative Research, and Analysis ofData on the Texas Top 10% Law
8. Critical Action Research on Race and Equity in Higher Education
9. Using Critical Race Theory to (Re)Interpret Widely Studied Topics Relatedto Students in US Higher Education
10. Whose Structure, Whose Function? (Feminist) Poststructural Approaches inHigher Education Policy Research 0
11. A Critical Examination of the College Completion Agenda: AdvancingEquity in Higher Education
12. The New Stratification: Differentiating Opportunity by Race and Class atCommunity Colleges in the United States
13. The Transformative Paradigm: Principles and Challenges