We can thank Drs. Rao and Vaishnavi for this remarkable contribution to patients, families, and clinicians. Few professionals, doctors included, know how to deliver their highly informed knowledge and experience in ways that lay readers can comprehend and use.
Individuals who have experienced a TBI, as well as their families, will find this book useful and comforting, both for its clear explanations and its clinical guidance.
The Traumatized Brain puts victims and their families back in command: rewiring the brain, reshaping behaviors, inspiring compassion, and restoring one's sense of self.
An approachably human and effectively informative book on a complicated and painful injury.
The Traumatized Brain remains a valuable resource for brain-injured clients and their caregivers, and it can help bridge the language reference gap between providers and patients.
Authors Vani Rao and Sandeep Vaishnavi write with a sense of warmth and care that is certain to help those who want to learn more about a timely subject...very accessible for a wide range of readers and an excellent resource.
The Traumatized Brain is a great resource for anyone with a loved one who has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Whether you’re a caregiver, co-worker, friend, or survivor, this book is filled with useful information to help you understand and be prepared for the different symptoms of TBI and how TBI affects the brain.
This book will challenge and encourage the reader. Whether an interested lay person, a caretaker, a family member, or a professional in the medical, nursing, or social work fields, readers will find this pioneering book a useful guide to the complexities of traumatic brain injury.
If ever there was a book that truly could save your life it would be this one. Drs. Rao and Vaishnavi have written a critical manual for parents, family, essentially anyone, to help recognize and explain the warning signs of a TBI. Without visible symptoms, sufferers have long remained silent or been deemed 'crazy,' but this important book not only details the physiological, cognitive and behavioral changes in the brain, it offers hope through treatment.
We are faced with an epidemic of traumatic brain injury (TBI) among victims of sports, accidents, and wars. The cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of such injuries are varied and complex. Using a contemporary understanding of cognitive neuroscience and a gift for distilling complex ideas, Drs. Rao and Vaishnavi present a clear and coherent picture of TBI. Informed by their own substantial clinical expertise, they also offer practical advice, making this guide essential reading for caregivers and family members as well as the general clinical practitioner.
Doctors Rao and Vaishnavi have written a valuable and timely book that is long overdue. It contains not only an excellent summary of TBI and its effects, but also strategies to deal with those effects. I highly recommend this excellent book.
Book Details
Foreword, by Peter V. Rabins
Part I
1. The Inner Workings of the Brain
2. The Structure of the Brain
3. Types of Traumatic Brain Injury
4. Influences on Recovery after Traumatic
Foreword, by Peter V. Rabins
Part I
1. The Inner Workings of the Brain
2. The Structure of the Brain
3. Types of Traumatic Brain Injury
4. Influences on Recovery after Traumatic Brain Injury
Part II
5. Depression
6. Anxiety
7. Mania
8. Apathy
Part III
9. Psychosis
10. Aggression
11. Impulsivity
12. Sleep Disturbances
Part IV
13. Attention
14. Memory
15. Executive Function
16. Language
Part V
17. Headaches
18. Seizures
19. Vision
Suggested Reading