Timely, well written, and should be read widely.
I certainly wish I could have read it before I went into administration!... The threats to faculty governance, potentially to academic freedom, and the professionalization of the faculty, are all issues that confront the newest generation of faculty. They would be well served to gain a background in these matters by reading Gerber’s book.
Gerber supports his historical arguments rigorously, and his footnotes and bibliography will prove useful to those interested in finding seminal texts in the field. Gerber's inclusion of the AAUP reports as an appendix is of particular interest to scholars of academic professionalization. Ultimately, anyone concerned with the fate of the tenure-tracked professor will be interested in Gerber's work.
... Larry G. Gerber brings a career's worth of experience and expertise to bear on his new study, The Rise and Decline of Faculty Governance. The short book is a valuable primer on the history of the professoriate's evolving place within the shifting landscape of U.S. higher education.
Even the end of the world needs a historian, and with this book, Larry Gerber has made himself the official historian of the end of the academic world.
The Rise and Decline of Faculty Governance is rooted in a thorough knowledge of the historical development of and challenges to the role of American university and college faculties in the governance of their institutions. Larry Gerber asks all the right questions. A must-read in any course on the history of American higher education and an invaluable point of reference for historians and for sociologists specializing in organizational theory.
Book Details
Introduction: Faculty Professionalization and the Rise of Shared Governance
1. College Governance before 1876
2. The Emergence of a Professional Faculty, 1870–1920
3. The Development of
Introduction: Faculty Professionalization and the Rise of Shared Governance
1. College Governance before 1876
2. The Emergence of a Professional Faculty, 1870–1920
3. The Development of Faculty Governance, 1920–1940
4. The Developing Consensus on Shared Governance, 1940–1975
5. Corporatization and the Challenge to SharedGovernance, 1975–Present
Conclusion: Shared Governance and the Future of Liberal Education
Works Cited