The definitive work of a broad shift now underway.
The authors paint a troubling picture.
Always readable, occasionally conversational style... keeps you moving along.
The American Faculty is destined to be a classic... The most thorough and thoughtful analysis of its topic in many years.
I found this book to be a significant resource for data on the American professoriate.
Practitioners and researchers looking for a comprehensive overview of the faculty life with an emphasis on changes in the last 40 years will be well served by reading The American Faculty.
This book and its extensive research appendices are a must-read for scholars who study the academic profession... It will be important for provosts, deans, department chairs, and those who have previously been involved in the 'faculty roles and rewards' movement to read this book and interpret its trends and implications for their own campuses and plans for faculty hiring, professional development, and reward systems.
An impressive piece of work, a key reading for anyone interested in the state of academic work—especially, but not only, in the United States—and where it might be headed.
The American Faculty is an extensive examination of the condition of the American academic profession.
The American Faculty is a worthy addition to the expanding field of higher education studies.
Jack Schuster and Martin Finkelstein's The American Faculty cannot be approached with anything but interest.
A unique study of the present academic moment and, given the magnitude of effort involved in any attempted replication of its methods or results, The American Faculty will not be easily superceded.
In-depth, insightful, with a masterful handling of the relevant data, The American Faculty provides the most comprehensive overview of the status of the academic profession that is available.
Book Details
List of Tables and Figures
Preface to the Paperback Edition
Part One: Overview of the American Facultty
1. Establishing the Framework
2. The American Faculty in Perspective
3. The
List of Tables and Figures
Preface to the Paperback Edition
Part One: Overview of the American Facultty
1. Establishing the Framework
2. The American Faculty in Perspective
3. The Professoriate in Profile
Part Two: The Faculty at Work
4. The Changing Complexion of Faculty Work
5. Academic Culture and Values and the Quality of Work Life
Part Three: The Academic Career
6. The Changing Academic Career
7. The Revolution in Academic Appointments: A Closer Look
8. Compensation and Academic Careers: Trends and Issues
9. Pathways to the Professoriate
Part Four: Assessing Contemporaray Academic Life
10. American Academic Life Restructured
11. What's Ahead? Agendas for Policy Analysis, Research, and Action on Academic Staffing
A. The National Faculty Surveys
B. Selected National Faculty Surveys: A Concordance of Contents
C. Interpreting Faculty Surveys: Challenges and Strategies
D. Variables for Classifying Faculty Subgroups
E. Definitions of Terms Used in Tables and Figures
F. Academic Appointments: Historical Milestones
G. Faculty Compensation: Data Sources
H. Note on Accessing the Survey Instruments
I. Faculty Diversity: Race and Ethnicity Categories
J. Appendix Tables