Dr. Wang provides all the information necessary to intelligently and effectively confront a melanoma diagnosis. An essential resource for those individuals recently diagnosed with melanoma.
Well written, informative, and easy to read. Dr. Wang delivers the information with a fresh perspective that will certainly empower patients as they deal with this dangerous skin cancer. Every melanoma patient needs to read this book!
This book is suitable for a wide audience, from patients to health care professionals... It gathers together all the important information you need to get on and make decisions... This book will empower you—read it!
Any general lending library and many a health collection needs this!
Beating Melanoma is a beacon of hope and empowerment for those navigating the complexities of melanoma. Dr. Wang, a seasoned dermatologist and compassionate melanoma expert, delivers a comprehensive guide that not only imparts crucial medical insights, but also offers unwavering support to patients and their families. It is an indispensable resource for the journey toward overcoming melanoma.
Dr. Wang's Beating Melanoma is the ultimate guide that has woven together the collective wisdom of 25 world medical experts across specialties. This book provides a holistic toolkit, offering patients and families a comprehensive approach to tackling melanoma.
Beating Melanoma is an outstanding guide for those navigating a melanoma diagnosis or aiming to prevent future skin cancers. With its blend of reliable medical information and practical advice provided by a distinguished panel of melanoma experts, this book serves as an invaluable resource for patients and their families.
Book Details
Melanoma Experts
1. Introduction: You Have Melanoma. Now What?
The "Mad Rush" Phase: Navigating with the Five-Step Plan
Step 1. Understand the Diagnostic Information in the Pathology Report
Step 2
Melanoma Experts
1. Introduction: You Have Melanoma. Now What?
The "Mad Rush" Phase: Navigating with the Five-Step Plan
Step 1. Understand the Diagnostic Information in the Pathology Report
Step 2. Understand the Severity of Your Melanoma with the AJCC Staging System
Step 3. Understand Your Treatment Options
Step 4. Understand Survival Rate and Prognosis
Step 5. Find the Clinical Experts in Your Area
3. The "Marathon" Phase: Surviving Melanoma
I. Medical Follow-Up
II. How Does a Dermatologist Find a New Melanoma?
III. How Can You Find a New Melanoma?
IV. How to Prevent Melanoma
V. Why You Should Not Use Tanning Beds
4. Networking: Finding and Sharing Information
5. Beating Melanoma Checklist
A. Basal Cell Cancer
B. Squamous Cell Cancer