This incisive collection is an urgent wake-up call.
The idea behind Narrating 9/11 is both fascinating and timely.
Book Details
Introduction. Fantasies of 9/11 1
john n. duvall and robert p. marzec
state and corporate fantasies
1 Zero Dark Democracy 17
timothy melley
2 Fictitious Capital: Historicizing the Present in William
Introduction. Fantasies of 9/11 1
john n. duvall and robert p. marzec
state and corporate fantasies
1 Zero Dark Democracy 17
timothy melley
2 Fictitious Capital: Historicizing the Present in William Gibson’s "Bigend" Trilogy 40
hamilton carroll
3 Climate Change and the Evolution of the 9/11 Security State: The Fantasy of Adaptation and Ian McEwan’s Solar 70
robert p. marzec
4 Nostalgia for the Future: Temporality and Exceptionalism in Twenty-First Century American Fiction 98
aaron derosa
5 Lost in Iraq 118
alan nadel
fantasies of trauma, ethnicity, and religion
6 Regarding the Pain of Self and Other: Trauma Transfer and Narrative Framing in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close 145
ilka saal
7 Strange Times to Be a Jew: Alternative History after 9/11 168
margaret scanlan
8 Arab American Citizenship in Crisis: Destabilizing Representations of Arabs and Muslims in the United States after 9/11 194
carol fadda-conrey
9 Violence and the Faithful in Post–9/11 America: Updike’s Terrorist, Islam, and the Specter of Exceptionalism 217
anna hartnell
fantasies of terrorism
10 Representing the Enemy Other: Jarett Kobek’s ATTA, Postmodern Narrative, and the Architectural Unconscious 245
john n. duvall
11 Policing the Globe: State Sovereignty and the International in the Post–9/11 Crime Novel 263
andrew pepper
12 Outtakes and Outrage: The Means and Ends of Suicide Terror 284
samuel thomas
Afterword: Fantasy-Work in the Post–9/11 Sphere 309
donald e. pease
List of Contributors 313
Index 317
vi Contents