Light in tone and often enjoyable reading, Making the Most of the Anthropocene presents good information on a variety of topics, from the sharing economy to smartphones.
Denny's humane tone makes reading his book feel good for the soul... chapter-essays are fascinating, opinionated, and subversive... In this book, Denny has expanded his scope to cover a lot more than science, and readers will benefit from his ambition.
Mark Denny is a funny guy who has written a profoundly important book about humanity’s prospects in the Anthropocene age. Well-argued and lively, this book is a must read for climate change skeptics, millennials who can shape a better world, and grandparents like myself who worry about just what we have left to our grandchildren. Denny’s training as a theoretical physicist informs a world-view that ranges from geology to psychology, Darwin to Dilbert, ecology to economics, deep time to Donald Trump – and he brings us out the other end with hope for the future.
Book Details
1. Stratigraphy—the Top Layer
2. Neptune versus Pluto
3. The Age of Man?
4. Martha
5. Industrial Revelations
6. Moore's Law
7. Building BRICS
8. Peppered Moths
9. Globalization
1. Stratigraphy—the Top Layer
2. Neptune versus Pluto
3. The Age of Man?
4. Martha
5. Industrial Revelations
6. Moore's Law
7. Building BRICS
8. Peppered Moths
9. Globalization
10. Smartphones Are (from) Everywhere
11. The Population Bomb
12. Manna from Science
13. Fat Americans
14. Climatology 101
15. Greenhouse Effects
16. Global Warning
17. 2 C or Not 2 C, That Is the Question
18. Tipping Points and Tipplers
19. Climate Change Protocols
20. Rapa Nui Not
21. Ozone Whole
22. The Good
23. The Bad
24. Frack Attack
25. The Ugly
26. Gridlock
27. Not Monsters, Inc., nor the Four Horsemen
28. Scottish Philosophy and Nuclear Power
29. You Suck at Statistics
30. On the Cusp
31. Four Fixes
32. Über Alles
33. Sherlock Holmes and the Anthropocene Deduction
34. Ferguson versus Krugman
35. Nobody Understands Economics
36. Winners and Losers
37. The Prisoner's Dilemma
38. Deforestation
39. The Peter Principle
40. Collective Stupidity
41. ABC but Not D
42. Where Are You Going, My Little One?