Denny has produced a book that is both educational and entertaining.
This book will give the reader an appreciation of the effectiveness of ancient technology. It will also be a useful reference for engineering and physics instructors.
User friendly, filled with humor and practicality... not only 'technology wizes' but 'history buffs' and humanists too will enjoy and profit from this book.
The subject matter is extremely well described.
A well-written, illustrated, and informative book that is readable to all but the mentally lazy.
[Ingenium] is a good place to learn how they actually worked and how far they could effectively serve the purposes of those who made and used them.
A wonderful combination of history and physics. It is superbly written and contains a wealth of fascinating details. After the historical insights, the physics is explained in a user-friendly, nontechnical way. Denny's wry humor is fun to read and made me laugh out loud.
Book Details
1. Bow and Arrow
2. Waterwheels and Windmills
3. Counterpoise Siege Engines
4. Pendulum Clock Anchor Escapement
5. Centrifugal Governor
6. Inventiveness
Further Reading
1. Bow and Arrow
2. Waterwheels and Windmills
3. Counterpoise Siege Engines
4. Pendulum Clock Anchor Escapement
5. Centrifugal Governor
6. Inventiveness
Further Reading