The ideas are presented alongside some changes colleges and universities could make on their own, like modifying class schedules to make better use of facilities. But the inclusion of policy ideas in a book aimed at trustees fits a larger idea: the big picture matters for colleges and universities, and their leaders, as they face the future.
An important resource for both trustees and presidents, as well as anyone seeking to understand institutional governance.
Scott has written a gold standard owner’s manual for college and university board members. A copy of his book given to every new trustee will add much to their performance and the satisfaction of the institutions they help to govern. Bob Scott is the Julia Child of higher educational governance.
As one of the most successful US college presidents in recent years, Robert A. Scott fully understands the importance of creating strong boards whose members understand the idiosyncrasies of academic institutions. Writing with his usual clarity, Scott lays out the traditional and emerging governance challenges to colleges and universities today. How University Boards Work should now be the first item in every new trustee’s orientation packet.
Hands-on experience provides the true guide to all corporate governance, and that's why How University Boards Work is essential reading for those engaged in governing our universities: boards, managers, faculties, and alumni. With over thirty years' experience serving as a university president, Robert A. Scott shares a unique perspective and thoughtful solutions for the growing governance problems facing universities. It is core learning necessary to protect the long-term future of higher education.
As I saw while serving as a trustee, Bob Scott was transformational at Adelphi and is one of the most capable university presidents I know. I am glad he has written this important book.
The college invited me. I was flattered. I accepted. What have I gotten myself into? This book has the answers. Robert A. Scott's How University Boards Work is both profoundly intelligent and readable.
How University Boards Work is a tremendous source of knowledge and demonstrated wisdom for trustees, higher education leaders, and other interested parties.
Book Details
Introduction: Why A Guide
1. Historical and Structrual Framework of Governance
2. Board Responsibilities
3. Board Membership
4. Processes and Procedures
5. Strategic Leadersip
Introduction: Why A Guide
1. Historical and Structrual Framework of Governance
2. Board Responsibilities
3. Board Membership
4. Processes and Procedures
5. Strategic Leadersip
6. Leading Higher Education Into the Future